51 File Types|Here you can choose the files which will be affected.
52 Filters|Here you can enter some filters that will be matched with file names<br>to determine what files are affected.<br>Separate filters using semicolons. Filters can contain<br>the wildcards <b>?</b> (only one character) or <b>*</b> (zero or more characters).<br><font color=blue>Example:</b> *.exe;*.dll;*.t??</font>
53 You want to delete the selected profile?
54 Load selected profile
55 Delete selected profile
56 Save settings in a profile
57 Enter the folder name:
58 Files: %d
59 Matches: %d
60 Lines: %d
61 Do you want to continue?
62 The format of the file is wrong.
63 Search Results Files (*.srf)|*.srf||
64 Save Profile
65 Type the profile name:
66 A profile with name '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
67 Do you want to delete the selected files?
68 Copy
69 Cut
70 Paste
71 Delete
72 Properties
73 Create shortcut
74 Open with
75 Rename
76 Find
77 Share
78 Paste shortcut
79 Update
80 Clipboard(%d)
81 The current clipboard does not contain text. Only text can be appended.
82 The '%s' file does not contain text. The clipboard can only be appended in text files.
83 Enter the file name which will be created in the following folder:\n\n%s
84 A file with name '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
85 Folder Name
86 Size
87 %
88 Analyzing...
89 Other
90 Do you want to shred the selected elements?
91 Shredding...
92 MAPI is necessary for sending the e-mail, however MAPI is not installed.
93 Error while logging on the mail profile.
94 Modified Time
95 %s%s - copy.%s
96 Only text files can be copied to the Clipboard, however the selected file seems to be a binary file. Copying a binary file may cause an unwanted effect.\n\nDo you want to continue?
98 All Files
99 All Folders
100 All
101 Move Up
102 Move Down
103 Move Top
104 Move Bottom
105 The buffer size for arguments has exceeded the maximum size (2048 bytes). The program will be run by limiting arguments to 2048 bytes.
106 Do not show again
107 Pin to
108 Restore previous versions
109 Undo
110 Redo
111 Files
112 Enter the location of the symbolic link
113 The file already exists. The symbolic link can not be created on an existing file.
114 The symbolic link has been created successfully
115 File Name
116 Type
117 Checksum
118 Updating preview...
119 Parent Folder
120 Choose how you want to save the checksums:
121 An error ocurried while renaming the following file, because already a file exists with the same name.\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\n\nPlease, choose the action that you want:
122 File exists
123 Keep existing file\nDon't rename the file and keep existing file.\nSize: %s\nLast Write Time: %s
124 Rename and overwrite\nRename the file and overwrite the existing file.\nSize: %s\nLast Write Time: %s
125 Rename, but keep both files\nThe file will be renamed with the following name: "%s"
126 Perform the same action for the next conflicts
127 Create an unique checksum file for all the files
128 Create a new checksum file for each file
129 Save Checksums
130 The following folders will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
131 Searching empty folders...
132 Batch
133 Checksum file exists
134 The checksum file already exists. What do you want to do?
135 Overwrite the file
136 Append the new checksums into the existing checksum file
137 Are you sure you want to rename the selected files with the profile "%s"?
138 The profile cannot be loaded
139 Show File Extensions
140 Running %s (%d of %d)
141 Do you want to terminate the current instance?
142 Terminating current instance...
143 Analyze Hard Links
144 Choose if to analyze the hard links. A file may be referenced several times in different locations occupying the same disk space. This is named hard links. Normally a file only has associated a hard link, but if a file has associated several hard links, then the real size in disk may not be calculated correctly, depending of the choosed option.
145 No analyze hard links\nThis is much quicker; but if a file has referenced several hard links, then the size will be repeated several times and will not calculate the real size in disk.
146 Analyze hard links\nThis is much slower; but the real size in disk will be calculated correctly, because if a file has referenced several hard links, then the size only will be calculated once.
147 Always to perform the same action in the future
900 Separator\nInserts a separator to Context Menu
901 Open by Application\nOpens all selected files by an application
902 Run with Parameters...\nRuns the selected executable using specified arguments
903 Command Line from Here\nOpens a command line window from the selected folder
904 Copy To...\nCopies the selected elements to another folder
905 Move To...\nMoves the selected elements to another folder
906 Copy Path\nCopies to clipboard the paths of the selected elements
907 Copy Content\nCopies to clipboard the contents of the selected elements
908 Attributes\nShows or sets the attributes of the selected elements
909 Change Time...\nChanges the creation time, the last access time and the last write time of the selected elements
910 Split File...\nSplits the selected file into some parts
911 Join Parts\nJoins all parts in order to build the original file
912 Register DLL\nRegisters the selected file in the system so applications can use it
913 Unregister DLL\nUnregisters the selected file
914 Find and Replace...\nFinds or replaces a text in all selected elements
915 Advanced Renamer...\nRenames the selected files using some rules
916 Change Icon...\nSets the icon of selected folder
917 Advanced Delete...\nDeletes specified file types in selected folder
918 Synchronize...\nSynchronizes the selected folder with another folder
919 Configure FileMenu Tools...\nShows the configuration window
920 Delete Locked File\nDeletes the file even if it is locked by another application
921 Delete Permanently\nDeletes the selected elements WITHOUT moving them to the Recycle Bin
922 Copy Name\nCopies to clipboard the names of the selected elements
923 Create New Folder\nCreates a new folder in selected folder
924 Paste Clipboard\nAppends the clipboard contents in the selected elements (text only)
925 Size of Folders...\nDisplays the size of the subfolders in the selected folder
926 Shred Files...\nShred the files so that they cannot be recovered with recovery tools
927 Send to Mail Recipient\nSends an e-mail with the selected elements as attachments
928 Duplicate Files\nCreates a new copy of the selected elements in the same folder
929 Pack to Folder\nMoves all the selected elements to a new subfolder
930 Select\nSelects the elements with various filters
931 Copy UNC Path\nCopies to clipboard the paths of the selected elements as UNC format
932 Copy Internet Path\nCopies to clipboard the paths of the selected elements as Internet format
933 Create Symbolic Link...\nCreates a symbolic link referenced to the selected element
934 Calculate and Verify Checksum...\nCalculates and verifies checksums (md5, sha-1) for the selected elements
935 Unpack Folder\nMoves all the elements into the selected folder to parent folder
936 Delete Empty Folders...\nDeletes recursively the folders which do not contain files
1024 Compressing...
1025 Insufficient space on disk.\nSelect another folder:
1026 The file is not valid.
1027 Select the folder of part n║ %d.
1028 Part %d of %d\nSaving in %s
1029 Reading part %d of %d.
1030 Extracting...
1031 FileMenu Tools
1032 Open with Notepad
1033 Finding...
1034 Replacing...
1035 File
1036 Line Number
1037 Line
1038 File was not found.
1042 Renaming...
1043 Basic Options
1044 Advanced Options
1045 Preview
1046 File '%s' will be renamed by '%s', though other file exists with same name. Do you want to overwrite existing file?
1047 Error occurred when renaming '%s' by '%s'.\n\nError description:\n%s
1048 Old name
1049 New name
1050 Name.Ext
1062 Replace;Before the old name;After the old name
1064 Replace;Before the old extension;After the old extension
1065 All files have been renamed. Do you want to continue renaming?
1080 Some files will be renamed with the same name. These files have been marked in red. Please fix these conflicts in order to continue with renaming.
1082 %s\nPhase %d of %d
1086 Show Hidden Files
1087 Show System Files
1090 Rename Recursively
1091 You have selected folders. Do you want recursively to rename into all the subfolders?